Emergency Assembly Area Sign on A-Frame, folding, portable with handle

Emergency Assembly Area Sign on A-Frame

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Key features include:

The Emergency Assembly Area Sign is designed to clearly indicate the designated location where individuals should gather in the event of an emergency. The sign features white text on a green background, ensuring high visibility and easy recognition. It is made from durable materials that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. With this sign, you can ensure the safety and organization of your facility during emergency situations. Mounted on a folding, portable A-Frame this sign is suitable for events or areas where a fixed sign can't be mounted.


  • Clear and concise white text on a green background for easy visibility
  • Durable materials suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • Standard design for universal recognition
  • Mounted on a portable, folding A-Frame


  • Clearly indicates the designated emergency assembly area
  • Promotes safety and organization during emergency situations
  • Ensures that individuals can easily locate the assembly area
  • Suitable for a wide range of facilities, including schools, offices, events and public spaces.

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