What Safety Signage Do I Need To Have In My Workplace?
Safety signage in the workplace is one of the most critical WHS communication tools available to communicate not only PPE requirements to workers but also hazards, dangerous areas and areas of caution.
Safety signage selection starts with a full risk assessment of the workplace and its business activities to include all hazards and risks and then leads to signage selection. It is also important to consider the size of signage based on visibility and how far the sign is to be viewed from.
Safety signage is an ever-evolving and changing safety communication tool which needs to be consistent with the business. Often business activities change and with that risks, and the signage gets left behind, leaving it to fade and fall to disrepair.
Proactive Compliance is a full-service WHS Consultancy company taking a holistic approach to safety signage inspections and replacements.
Our Safety Signage Inspections and Replacement Services
Proactive Compliance provides a safety signage inspection and replacement service to clients ranging from small businesses to leading multi-site organisations across Australia.
We provide you with a detailed risk assessment and signage list based off a site visit and review of current site conditions and business activities. From this Proactive Compliance can also supply and install the safety signage with a review conducted annually to ensure it meets WHS and business requirements.
Our Industry Areas:
• Manufacturing
• Transport
• Shopping Centres
• Warehousing
• Industrial
• Retail
• Government
• Office blocks