What is CertMark Product Certification?
Proactive Compliance works closely with CertMark International to deliver the CertMark Product Certification System and Auditing to businesses across Australia.
This is a voluntary system of accreditation and can be adapted to any product across the globe. The CertMark Product Certification has been developed to show product compliance to a specific standard (ATSM, ISO, BSI, AS or AS/NZS Standards).
In order to achieve CertMark Product Certification, the subject material or product must:
• Be tested by a recognised testing
• Meet the requirements of the relevant standard
• Be manufactured in accordance with an approved Quality Assurance Program
• Carry a warranty
Why Should You Invest in CertMark Product Certification?
• Compliance to one or more standards or
• Certification of non-building industry products
• Can be easily adjusted to suit market requirements
• Ongoing annual audits
• Manufacturing audits
• Document audits
The CertMark Scheme
To find out more about the CertMark scheme and certification and
compliance requirements, contact CertMark International:
P: +61 (07) 5445 2199