Roles of Emergency Response Wardens and Officers in the Event of an Emergency
In the event of an Emergency, the Emergency Control Organization (ECO) respond to the emergency by carrying out the procedures set out by the Emergency Planning Committee beforehand relating to that particular emergency. Emergencies can include but are not limited to such events as Fire Evacuation, Bomb threat, Medical Emergencies and Personal threat (armed or unarmed persons). Emergency procedures may respond with one or more of the following: Full Evacuation, Partial Evacuation or Shelter in Place and is carried out under the direction of the Emergency Control Organization.
Within the Emergency Control Organization there are a number of positions which can include:
- Chief Warden
- Deputy Chief Warden
- Communications Officer
- First Aid Officer
- Area Warden
- Floor Warden
- Warden

For more information on how to identify Fire Wardens and the Emergency Control Organisation check the link at the bottom of the article.
Titles for other roles may be determined by the Emergency Planning Committee. Within these roles is a hierarchy of command to ensure procedures are carried out and responding Emergency Response Personnel are given correct information to allow occupants and visitors to be safely evacuated. All members of the Emergency Control Organization should be capable of effectively making decisions and remaining calm under pressure to allow them to carry out the roles. These roles during an Emergency are as follows:
- Chief Warden; once notified of an Emergency, ensures that the appropriate Emergency Services has been called. They ensure that Floor and Area wardens are advised of the situation and carry out the predetermined action plan for that incident. They monitor the progress of the evacuation and record events and actions taken in an incident log. Their role is also to ensure that Emergency Services personnel are briefed then follow the commands of the senior officer.
- Deputy Chief Warden; carries out the duties of the Chief Warden if Chief Warden is unavailable or otherwise assists when required.
- Communications Officer; determines the nature of the Emergency and confirms that Emergency Services have been notified. Their role is also to notify Emergency Control Organization members and transmit instructions and information as needed. They log events and actions during the Emergency for later review and otherwise act as directed to assist the Chief Warden.
- Floor and Area Wardens; carry out the required Emergency Response Plan appropriate for the Emergency in their sector. They check with Chief, Deputy Chief or communications officer to ensure that Emergency services have been called then direct wardens as appropriate for their sector and carry out Evacuation is appropriate. They carry out additional instructions given by the Chief Warden or other Senior Officer/Warden. They have the ability to appoint other persons as required to assist a warden during the emergency. Once the roles of the Wardens under their command have been carried out, they report back to the Chief Warden or Senior Officer of Emergency Services.
- Wardens; carry out the duties set out in the Emergency Response Procedures and act as directed by the Floor or Area Warden. Duties may include checking and closing smoke and fire doors, communicating the evacuation procedures to the occupants of the building or area, assisting those with disabilities and moving groups to nominated areas. Other duties may include status report to their immediate supervisor, searching floor or area to ensure everyone has been evacuated and ensuring orderly flows of people.
- First Aid Officer; is a distinct and separate role from the other Wardens so as to be able to carry out First Aid as appropriate without hinderance.
Training should be carried out regularly to ensure all personnel are familiar with roles and the procedures set out by the Emergency Planning Committee.
This document sets out the generalised roles and responsibilities of members of the Emergency Control Organization as defined in AS 3745-2010. This document is intended as a general guide but in no way is intended to replace AS 3745-2010 as a guide.
FAQ's (For a complete guide click on the link)
What colour hat or vest should a Chief Warden or Deputy Chief Warden Wear? A Chief Warden or Deputy Chief Warden Wears a White cap, hat or vest.
What colour cap or vest should a Fire Warden Wear? A Fire Warden wears a Red Cap, Hat or Vest
What colour hat or vest should a First Aid Officer Wear? A First Aid Officer wears a Green Hat, Cap or Vest
What colour cap or vest should a Floor Warden or Area Warden Wear? A Floor or an Area Warden wears a Yellow Cap, Hat or Vest
How often do Fire Warden require training? Fire Wardens should attend training every 12 months to ensure that their roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and not forgotten.
For further information contact Proactive Group Australia on 1300 553 371.